The Day Job is Calling

So, I ‘m behind. What else is new? I have the next couple weeks of The Echo Chambers written, but for some reason this story isn’t lending itself to typing. I need the connection of pen to paper, with all the cursing, scratching and re-scratching, and illegible handwriting that that entails.

Normally, of course, typing in what I’ve already written isn’t much of a problem, but several factors have conspired to make this a tumultuous week for me. With my new boss in town, a friend moving away (you know who you are, you traitorous bastard), arranging pet sitting due to comparatively last-minute Christmas plans, and the acknowledgement that I’d rather be further ahead in TEC to (hopefully) gain enough distance from the words to judge them more accurately, I’m declaring this a week off.

(Plus, I just tried to type in a couple of paragraphs, and I totally got sidetracked looking up synonyms for “dangling”. Apparently I need more time than further believed.)

As penance, I will blog through the rest of the month. And I will say that, here in a few months, I should be able to submit something new for your entertainment. Laugh with me because I sure as hell hate to laugh alone.

So happy St. Nicholas Day and see you in a week!

The Echo Chambers

Woo-hoo! Okay, so with many starts and stops, I’m back with The Echo Chambers. As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve decided to post this story as a kind of serial. I’m going to be working on it as we go, hopefully staying far ahead enough to counteract any potential misdirection in the plot. Already I’ve had to backtrack and tweak something, adding a new, unplanned character.

I have a few reasons for posting the story. First, I figure it’ll kill two birds with one stone, helping me get back into the habit of both blogging and writing. Second, I liked the idea of putting a story out as it evolves. What you’ll read will essentially be a second draft. I don’t write in chapters, so you won’t find them here either. I write chronologically, and I’m just enough of a plotter to (hopefully) not go wandering down any goat trails. And third, I just hope to entertain the few folks who still check in. Thank you for sticking around and not giving up on me.

I plan on posting new sections every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Only a few posts down is the first part of The Echo Chambers, but I’ll be re-posting it tomorrow just for the sake of continuity. So, from me to you, with love.

Organization Skills – Lacking

Well, if I could get myself organized, I could post the next segment of The Echo Chambers, which is written up so nice and pretty, waiting to be typed. Or I could go over the first section, analyzing the process and spend time explaining why I made the decisions I did. Or I could post any of the other three stories I have going that aren’t book material, but stories nonetheless.

Bah. When disorganization hits one area of my life, it apparently hits them all. 

Tomorrow for sure. I shall tattoo it upon my arm: Serenity now and get the butt in gear!